My Thesis



It's a book about Japanese Country Origination written by a Chinese history professor in 2004.



Professor Shen Ren'an



Kun Lun publisher



Academic circle "constructing an original and creative theory on ancient Japanese history by author's grand ingenious imagination".

Graduation Thesis 2017                                                                                                              Comparing Japanese and Chinese Mythologies in the Establishment of Countries                                                                                                                                                                                                      by Yanyan,Dong                                                                                 TheInternationalUniversity of Kagoshima                                                                                        Abstract                                                                                                                      In the process of a long history, China and Japan had a very intimate relationship. In the closer modern history, wars and disputes made the relationship become more complicated and unpredictable. Japan has absorbed multicultural elements in its cultural formation progress and the country's establishment. Among these various cultures, Chinese culture stands as a rather important status. Mythology is a fancied story made up byantiquity.                                                                                                                                       Keywords:  Japanese and Chinese mythology  Emperor Jimmu, The Yellow Emperor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Contents                                                                                                                       Chapter 1                                                                                                                  1.1  Introduction                                                                                                          1.2 Comparing of Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) and Emperor Jimmu (Jimmu-tenno or Kamu-Yamato-Iware-Biko no Mikoto)’s main events.                                                                                                                       1.3 Comparing of Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) and Emperor Jimmu (Jimmu-tenno or Kamu-Yamato-Iware-Biko no Mikoto)’s War for Land Unity.                                                                                                                Chapter 2                                                                                                                      2.1 Emperor Jimmu ’s main routine and his main deeds.                                    2.2 Conclusion on Emperor Jimmu ’s main routine and his main deeds.                                                                                                                       2.3  Description in ancient books about war in Zhuolu.                            Chapter 3                                                                                                                    3.1 Conclusion                                                                                                    References                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1.1 Introduction                                                                                                  Various mythologies from different nations and countries all have some commonality. The structures of mythologies from different nations all contain these three parts: world creation mythology, man creation mythology and national integration or country foundation mythology. This paper will discuss similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese country foundation mythologies. One essential similarity of this motif is both of these two mythologies appear a great leader with a meaning of ancestor. Huangdi, (the Yellow Emperor) has a very significant status in Chinese culture and Chinese people’s spiritual world. Not only Chinese people in mainland but also overseas Chinese all accept that Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) is their earliest ancestor. The basic evaluation of him is “Chinese’ primogenitor of humanities and cultures”. Because of this, Chinese people all around the world declare themselves to be “descendants of the Yan and Huang Emperors”. Specific and credible evidence on archaeology have not been excavated out, however, deeds and achievements of this person had been written down in many ancient books from two thousand and five hundred years ago. So it is usually thought that the story of Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) is assigned to mythology. In Japanese culture, there is also a person (or god) who has the similar status. In the earliest history books “Kojiki”『古事記』and “Nihonsyoki”『日本書記』, Emperor Jimmu (Jimmu-tenno or Kamu-Yamato-Iware-Biko no Mikoto) is identified as the first emperor in Japanese history. Japanese historians universally acknowledge that this historical figure is a fabrication after world war two. So it is also thought that the stories of Emperor Jimmu (Jimmu-tenno or Kamu-Yamato-Iware-Biko no Mikoto) is assigned to mythology.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1.2 Comparing of Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) and Emperor Jimmu (Jimmu-tenno or Kamu-Yamato-Iware-Biko no Mikoto)’s main events.                These two great leaders were both birthed with something unusual, went through learning and growing, extremely tough national integration fight, and then established their status in their own nation. The following is a brief introduction about their main events.   Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) Ancestor or God Emperor Jimmu (Jimmu-tenno or Kamu-Yamato-Iware-Biko no Mikoto) Extraordinarily nimble Birth Sensible, with strong will Knew everything on fifteen years old Inherited tribe leader on twenty years old Develop agriculture Growth Became crown prince on fifteen years old War in Zhuolu War for Land Unity Going on an expedition to eastern. Established a capital in Zhuolu and held Fengshan ceremony in Taishan Establishing Status Acceded to the Mikado and declared to be the first emperor who beginning to administer world Calculated calendar; built administration system; founded traditional Chinese medical science Others Went on an inspection tour in land and nominate land. *Fengshan ceremony: grand ceremony of worship of heaven on mountain (Tai) top to pray and say thanks for peace and prosperity   We can draw a conclusion from the table that the most important part of these two great leaders’ mythologies is their wars.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1.3 Comparing of Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) and Emperor Jimmu (Jimmu-tenno or Kamu-Yamato-Iware-Biko no Mikoto)’s War for Land Unity. Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) Ancestor or God Emperor Jimmu (Jimmu-tenno or Kamu-Yamato-Iware-Biko no Mikoto) Tribe’s living in Central Plains relayed on agriculture, fertile land means significant. Situation before war There were lands without the emperor’s enlightenment. Devil group invaded Central Plains. Reason of war Emperor Jimmu declared to go on an expedition. Huangdi used his intelligence and wisdom with the help of wind and rain gods. Process of war He went to many places and got people’s submission  Huangdi triumphed. Result of war Emperor Jimmu triumphed.     Comparing situations before war and the reasons, we can find Huangdi is passive, Emperor Jimmu is initiative. Vassals made wars with each other. The middle of China wasn't a peaceful land. Common people cannot live a safe life. In this case, Hangdi made wars. The aim of that war is much meaning for rescuing people from dark time. Huangdi is passive to start wars with a good aim. On the contrary, Emperor Jimmu is much initiative. He stayed in a palace and declared to make all lands under his dominion .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2.1 Emperor Jimmu ’s main routine and his main deeds.                                                                                                                            Palace in Takatiho (Himuka)   日向                   He gave a declaration to his brother, Itsuse no Mikoto , “Which land hadn’t been governed peacefully? Let’s go to eastern.”                                                                                                                       Tsukushi   築紫                                                                                                          Usa in Toyo country   豊国の宇沙                      Two aborigines made a simple palace and offered up a meal.                                                                                                                             The Okada Palace in Tsukushi   筑紫の岡田の宮                       He stayed here for a year.                                                                        The Takeri Palace in Aki country   阿岐の国の多祁理の宮                 He stayed here for seven years.                                                                                  The Takashima Palace in Kibi   吉備の高嶋の宮                     He stayed here for eight years.                                                                                 Hayasuhinato strait   速吸門                      He came across a person who took a turtle, fishing and holding a circular fan. He inquired sea road and got help. Then Emperor Jimmu gave him a name as “Person knows paddle’s place”. Shirakata ferry crossing in Aokumo  青雲の白肩の津                               A person send an army to ambush Emperor Jimmu’s army. Emperor Jimmu took a bar from his boat as a weapon. Then Shirakata ferry crossing called Bar ferry crossing.                                  Jimmu’s brother, Itsuse no Mikoto was shot in the hand by enemy's arrow and injured seriously. He said, ”I’m son of Sun God. It's wrong that fight facing to sun. Therefore, I was shot by mean people. Now we outflank it and fight back to sun. “                                                                                                         The Tine Sea  血沼の海                               Itsuse no Mikoto washed hands in the sea , so it was called the Tine Sea.           The O river mouth in Ki country  紀の国の男の水門                  “Am I dying because of this wounded hand?” Itsuse no Mikoto called and broke down. So it was called O river mouth.                          The Kumano village  熊野の村                            Big bears appeared and disappeared. Emperor Jimmu became unconscious and his soldiers too. A man named Takakuraji came to Emperor Jimmu and offered a tachi. Emperor Jimmu waked up and took the tachi that means he defeated all demons.                               Emperor Jimmu asked. Takakuraji said the sun god came to his dream and told him what to do.                                 At that time, Sun God’s herald, God Takagi appeared, said to Emperor Jimmu” The way ahead is very dangerous, we’ll give you a bird “Yatakarashsu” to be your guide.                                                                       The Eshino river                                   A man was catching fish, he is a gnome. A man who has a tail came up from well, he is a gnome.                                 They went to mountain. Another man with a tail appeared and received Emperor Jimmu ‘coming. All of them submitted themselves to Emperor Jimmu.                                                                 Uda                                       There are two people named brothers Ukashi. The guide bird “Yatakarasu “ asked, “Would you like to comply with Emperor Jimmu?” Big brother Ukashi refused. He prepared to gather armies but failed. He pretended to invite Emperor Jimmu to a splendid palace and set weapon to oppose Emperor Jimmu. Little brother Ukashi inform this notice to Emperor Jimmu in advance.                                 Subordinates under Emperor Jimmu called big Ukashi and let him first enter the palace. He died from trap he made. This place was called Uda no Tihara.                                                              Osaka no Omuroya                                 80 local people with strange looking were waiting and shouting. Emperor Jimmu made 80 soldiers cook meals for them. He let every cook aim at every person. He sang songs as an order to kill them.                       Wars were over and Emperor Jimmu married with beautiful princess.                                                                                                                                                                                2.2 Conclusion on Emperor Jimmu ’s main routine and his main deeds. From the pages above, we can summarize the feats of Japanese country foundation mythology.                       First, Emperor Jimmu ‘s story has a line structure. It is similar with the former part of Japanese mythology, world creation and human creation. Main character is Emperor Jimmu but at one of the places, his brother Itsuse no Mikoto became the main character. Emperor Jimmu go to a place, met with gnomes’ submission or encounter local tyrants’ confrontation. Enemies are not one. Emperor Jimmu’s enemy is changing according to places. Every place or village stands alone. The former place has no connection with the later place.                             Second, as far as main character, Emperor Jimmu, he is very lucky. When he got lost, local gnomes appeared and helped. When he got in trouble, God appeared and guided him out of the trouble. His noble identity gives him good luck.Identity is more important than ability identification. People and local gnomes accept Emperor Jimmu’s governor more depending on his identity. He is son of Sun God. We cannot find his ordinary abilities from mythology stories.                          Third, one of important meanings of these wars is what Emperor Jimmu and his armies did effect the land they went through. They gave land  new names. The gave local gnomes new names according to their features.                              Forth, it is said a land tour rather than a war. There was no detill description of war in Japanese mythology book. Emperor Jimmu and his troops went to a place. What was written on mythology books is relationship between the past and present of the place. It is a proof of Japanese ancestors own this land.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2.3 Description in ancient books about war in Zhuolu.                              轩辕之时,神农氏世衰。诸侯相侵伐,暴虐百姓,而神农氏弗能征。於是轩辕乃习用干戈,以争不享,诸侯咸来宾从。而蚩尤最为暴,莫能伐。蚩尤作乱,不用帝命。於是黄帝乃徵师诸侯,与蚩尤战於涿鹿之野,遂擒杀蚩尤。                        —《史记·五帝本纪》                Translation:                             When it was Yellow Emperor’s time, Shennong Emperor’ administrator became weaker and weaker. Vassals invaded each other and maltreated common people. But the Shennong Emperor couldn’t take charge of this situation. So Yellow Emperor practiced military affairs to go on a punitive expedition to disobedient vassals. They all obeyed except Chiyou which was most ferocious didn't submit. Chiyou made insurrection. Yellow Emperor mobilized and sent troops to suppress him. They fight in a wide field Zhuolu. Yellow Emperor won and killed Chiyou.                                                                                 3.1 Conclusion.                                                                                                         We can draw the conclusion from the story of Emperor Jimmu in Japanese mythology that his expedition was an initiative and predetermined process. The acceptance of the people depended on his identity as an emperor. So his expedition is initiative. On the contrary, the expedition of the Yellow Emperor in the story of Chinese mythology is passive. Rebellions happened. Therefore the Yellow Emperor went on an expedition to quell the rebellion and he won the war. People accepted and respect for him deepened because of his good deeds and the welfare he gave to the people.                                                                                                                                                                                                             References                                                                                                              [1]Kazutami, Nisimiya. (1979).                   [2]Professor Shen Ren'an. (2004).                                                                     [3]Maqian, Si. (BC97)                           [4]                              [5]     url=ernS7_LJ6P3i0AtVZ8VQ7HtBRzBn8Vc98Poi9BPQ66rDee_qNncwW0BmIM1lr_ZA7JG3nu_DdGARDi3MPuWRFfv_62gKMthP4x7y0q3I77G